Thursday, December 25, 2008

Moon Thief chap book by Peter Burg

This pen & ink/water color became the cover art for the poetry book Moon Thief. A collection of verses with accompanying artwork. My friend Tony Moffeit wrote the foreword.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Little Miracles

Back in 1995 I did a recording project with an incredible song writer, Tim Keller. We both grew up in Pacific Palisades, California. To this day we are great friends and still play guitar together.
I was fortunate to co-write several songs and play guitar on many of the tracks on Little Miracles.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shoot in the Sunshine

Of cold days I would pick today to say yes. Yes in Des Moines, New Mexico. Of Decembers Sundays, yes this is brilliantly cold. A wake up cold, caught in frosted finger tips and fog breath. Tim, with camera and I, with guitar walked across highway 64-87 hopping over the black ice and skipped into Studio C. I brought a fresh supply of pottery, CDs, and poetry books for store stock that Christina requested. Now is the time Tim does a lay-out shoot for the Studio C web site. Here is the result. Tim Keller photographer extraordinaire.